Wing Conversion Work – Part 2
Modification of rear spars for model B conversion
Build Log for Sonex 0849B
Modification of rear spars for model B conversion
Installation of W13-05R/L Tip Rib Attach Angles and final prep for -WC03
Inspection of rear Spar assemblies and removal of old W13-01R/L attach plates in preparation of new ones supplied with conversion kit.
Verification of previous work and prep for B-model conversion. Creation of -05L/R
Finished riveting left side tip rib, and tip doubler along with rough fiberglass work. Created right side tip doubler and did rough fiberglass work. T02 complete other than final hinge installation and cotter pin installation
Finished task by safety wiring trim tab hinge pin
Replacement of left vert stabilizer tip and fiberglass work
Finish creation of vertical tip mounting flange and final riveting of vert stabilizer assembly.
Finished riveting upper hinge half and began test fitting fiberglass tip and making extra flange for removable tip. Planning on getting tip rough fitted and fasteners made and then doing final fiberglass work later down the road